Sunday, March 8, 2009

Our past program - “Celebrating a New Day for the Earth”

The MHPA co-sponsored a program in December 2007 called “Celebrating a New Day for the Earth,” in conjunction with The Climate Crisis Coalition. This focused on the vital topic of global warming. The Mid Hudson News Network covered it, reporting that.

The program featured Andrew Revkin, New York Times environmental writer and author of The North Pole Was Here: Puzzles and Perils at the Top of the World, and Dan Rosenblum, environmental attorney and founder of the Carbon Tax Center. Topics of discussion included the use of technology in finding alternative energy sources and the creation of a revenue-neutral carbon tax.

Vane Lashua of the Mid-Hudson Progressive Alliance, one of the organizers of the event, said, “We wanted to continue a series of events we’ve had for the last two or three years, and the election held up a lot of the activists in the area, so we decided that we’d try to get something together really fast for December.”

Connie Hogarth, co-founder of the Climate Crisis Coalition, said, “our program today was a kind of a start because we are going to be concentrating on the carbon tax, for one thing, and the many organizations that are supporting what we did today ...will be working both on the carbon tax and on the very many aspects of what we can do locally, nationally, and internationally for controlling…the problem of our time.”

We intend follow-up actions and remain linked to the Climate Crisis Coalition.

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