Many thanks to John for posting here. Here is his news.
Just a quick note, the Flames of Discontent's schedule has simmered down quite a bit due to other music commitments but mostly due to my very busy schedule with 1199! Anyhow, we have NOT dropped our primary event which occurs each Fall: join us at the Howland in Beacon for this year's Dissident Folk & Arts Festival (Oct 17, 7PM). Some have asked why we are continuing to organize anything "dissident". Sure, we finally got rid of Bush, that embarressment who held the White House and the nation hostage for 8 years, but we must continue to be activists. While supporting President Obama's reforms and mildly progressive leadership, we must also hold him to his important campaign promises: ending the war in Iraq, eliminating tax breaks for the rich, instituting the start of universal healthcare, passing the EMPLOYEE FREE CHOICE ACT, moving into an environmentally-conscious philosophy and rebuilding the world's confidence in the US. And as the economy goes into triage and the war in Afghanastan escalates, we need to speak out. However, as Obama is coming under intense right-wing, neo-fascist assault which is clearly as based in racism as it is in a cowboy capitalist agenda, we must be careful to not fall prey to the reactionaries' plan. Remember, the Glen Becks and Rush Limbaughs of the right-wing noise vacuum are just waiting to pounce. I for one see them as the absolute enemy of democracy.
John Pietaro
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